PVO aicina būt modriem, lai novērstu koronavīrusa pandēmijas atkārtošanos
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World Health Organization (WHO) authorities on Friday warned the world again about a recurrence of the coronavirus pandemic. During a videoconference in Geneva, WHO representatives called for vigilance and stressed the need for caution when placing vaccines on the market.

  1. The WHO admits that the goal of fighting the virus is to keep transmission low
  2. A situation in which the number of infections decreases thanks to lockdown, and then after easing the restrictions, it grows so that restrictions need to be introduced again is not desired
  3. Kate O’Brien: WHO needs to evaluate vaccine effectiveness and immune responses based on more than just press releases
  4. Aktuālāku informāciju varat atrast TvoiLokony mājaslapā

The key word is “vigilance”

“Even if countries see a decline in coronavirus infections, they must remain vigilant,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical director for Covid-19. “What we don’t want to see are situations where lockdown leads to virus control and then another lockdown begins,” she added.

“Our goal is to keep the transmission low,” she emphasized. – Dozens of countries have shown us that the virus can be contained and kept under control ”.

Skatīt arī: Kuru Covid-19 vakcīnu ārsti izvēlētos?

WHO on COVID-19 vaccines

Kate O’Brien, WHO’s director of vaccines and biologicals, spoke on vaccines. She stressed that WHO needs to evaluate vaccine effectiveness and immune responses based on more than just press releases.

O’Brien thus referred to AstraZeneca, which during clinical trials of its vaccine made a dosing error in some patients and decided to retest.

Mariangela Simao, assistant director general of the WHO, stressed that clinical data and information on how it was produced are needed to evaluate the Sputnik V vaccine, which s say is more than 90 percent effective.

According to WHO chief expert Mike Ryan, the claim that the coronavirus does not originate in China would be “highly speculative” on the part of the WHO. «I think the statement that the disease did not appear in China is highly speculative. From a public health standpoint, it is clear that investigations are starting where human cases of infection first appeared, »explained Ryan.

Reuters notes China is pushing the narrative through state media that the virus existed overseas before it was discovered in Wuhan, citing the presence of coronavirus on imported frozen food packages and scientific articles claiming SARS-CoV-2 was circulating in Europe last year. (PAP)

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